Ava Crussard

Ava Crussard

Peer24 Leads

Hi! My name is Ava Crussard and I am a senior Psychology major at the University of Delaware. I have minors in Human Development and Family Sciences, English, and Forensic Science. After graduation, I would like to attend a graduate program to continue my education in hopes of becoming a Clinical Psychologist. My mental health journey has not always been easy and I have struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life. I suffered in silence for a while until I finally reached out for help in high school when I learned I was not alone in my feelings. My recovery journey has not always been linear, but I learned to find a light in myself with the help of my friends and family.  

I never felt fully comfortable discussing my mental health journey until I walked through the doors of Sean’s House. I am so excited to be a Peer24 Lead and use my lived experience to help others through their own journeys of recovery. I hope to be a light to others the same way Sean’s House has been a light to me! In my free time I love spending time with my family and friends, reading, drawing, and drinking iced coffee at all hours of the day. I am a huge baseball fan (go Phils) and love going to games and concerts in my spare time!